P系列适用于30T-300T的各型卧式射出成型机的成品及水口取出。上下、引拔、旋出、旋入均采用气压驱动,速度快、率、经济实惠型机械手臂。安装机械手可增加产能(10-30%)、降低产品的不良率、保障操作人员的安全性、减少人工、控制生产量、减少浪费。P series Swing-arm robot is applicable to all types ofhorizontal injection machine of 30T~300T for take-outproducts and sprues. The single function is to clampproducts, and the full function is to take-out productsand sprues. Swing arm robot with one axis servo rangesof model BRP650VY, BRP750VY, BRP850VY. Afterinstalled this robot, the productivity will be increased10~30%,reduce defective rate,ensure safety ofoperators,reduce manpower and accurately control theoutput to reduce waste.